Wildflower plot has been planted

Everybody has heard about the decline of habitat for pollenating insects and the die-off of bees. Considering the size of property (297 acres) we set aside an area to promote flowers for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Mike staked off an area of the NE field. In May, Peter started the process by turning the soil and found out just how much rock and gravel exists in the county under 1 inch of soil. Peter ordered a variety of seeds and bulbs from Vesey Bulbs (PEI) and came prepared with 6 bags of topsoil.

Along with packets of sunflowers and seeds for bees provided by Mike, Peter has planted:

  • 120 bulbs for Bees and Butterflies
  • 2 Honey Bee Seed Mats
  • 2 Butterfly Garden Seed Mat
  • 2 packets of Hummingbird Seed Garden
  • 2 packets of Sunflower Collection (5 varieties)
  • seeds from BeesMatter.ca

    If you Main road trail, you’ll see an area roped off on your left just as you enter the NE field. Hopefully we’ll have a good crop of flowers that’ll help the local insects and birds. We’ll keep you up to date as the seasons progress.

    This new flower area could be helped out with the installation of some insect / bee homes. A good environmental project for youth.
    Canadian Living – How to Build a DIY Bee Hotel

    Flower seed map